Jet Marketing


Customer service has been on my mind a lot lately.

While I strive to focus on positive experiences, it’s only natural to dwell on and share the negative ones more often.

The promises we make to our customers, the actual experiences we deliver, and how we manage conflicts or unexpected events are crucial in shaping our brand’s reputation. Rather than simply thinking of “customer service,” let’s broaden our perspective to “brand service.”

Honest Communication

This is vital. Most people are reasonable and simply want the truth. Aim for prompt, even proactive communication. Apologize sincerely and keep customers updated.

For example, I received a proactive update from Pixie Mood, one of my favorite online handbag retailers, that enhanced my appreciation for the brand.


Empower your staff to be honest and then follow-up when appropriate with some sort of concession.  Give them ideas and some expectation of value and what that might look like.

Recently, we experienced a delay in receiving our drinks at a restaurant. Our server apologized for the wait and generously comped an appetizer as a gesture of goodwill. Did she have to do that? Not really. But now, the restaurant stands out in our minds for its excellent service, and her tip certainly reflected that.

Can you empower your staff to offer a delivery if an order isn’t ready as promised? Could they provide a free coffee or a small token of apology? Can they hold open a door or offer assistance to a guest carrying items to their car?

Model Behavior

As a leader in your organization, how can you exemplify exceptional brand service? Are you able to remain calm and contribute to solutions when challenges arise? How can you foster an environment where every team member greets customers or patients with genuine warmth?

There’s nothing worse than a customer engaging with “How are you today?” with an employee response that says, “I’m here, aren’t I?”

Something Extra

In the Jet procedure manual, we stress that everything we deliver at Jet should be like a present with a bow on top.   Print collateral is shipped in smaller boxes for ease by the client, boxes are labeled for easy reference, or we send a notecard or gift when someone isn’t feeling well.  Instead of just talking someone through a website training, we often create a Loom video so they have for future reference.

It’s the little things that are both easy and invaluable to elevate your Brand Service.


Jackie O’Hara, Boss Lady

Jackie O’Hara appreciates prompt communication by staff, her clients, and her family. She also values the good old fashioned handwritten note.