Video Production

If a picture is worth a thousand words, how many words is a video?
Video has become increasingly important to marketing strategy.
Our team can assist in the creation, production, and distribution of videos for your brand.

Our Video Production Services

  • Planning and storyboarding
  • Scriptwriting
  • Video shooting
  • Voiceover narration
  • Editing and post-production
  • Creation, production, and distribution of social media videos


Quality Marketing Video Production Services For Your Brand

At Jet Marketing, we get help you put together engaging videos — from small snippets to large productions. We work with top videographers to put together visually appealing, informational videos that speak to your clients or customers. Whether that means we’re creating ads for television, informative videos for staff, or general visual content for the web or social, we’ve got the expertise to help produce an amazing product.

Our team starts by creating the script or storyboard for your approval. Then we collaborate on-site to direct original footage and any accompanying b-roll. Finally, we ensure all editing matches the approved script to keep your project on schedule and on budget.

Social Media Videos For Facebook, Instagram, and More

Sometimes, you just need some quick, to-the-point videos to share on your social media platforms. Our team can help with that too.

We have experience taking your videos and editing them for social media, or creating your desired video from start to finish. From Zoom Q&As to fun behind-the-scenes footage, our team understands the impact video can have on an audience. We optimize each video for its intended platform and write associated copy that will capture your audience’s attention — even after hours of endless doom-scrolling.

In our digital world, video has never been more important to incorporate into your marketing strategy. Contact us today to learn more about our video production services.