Public Health Initiatives
Individuals and communities need good information to make good choices about their health. Jet Marketing can help with communication about the facts, benefits, and risks surrounding those choices. Sometimes it’s about serving underserved populations, and sometimes it’s about everyone. At Jet Marketing, we’ll do the research and formulate a sensible and practical solution.
Suicide awareness is a common topic for many of our healthcare system clients. “Believe in Yourself” was a campaign that included magnets for adults and water bottle stickers for youth in the community. Promoting local resources and encouraging dialogue around this topic can reduce the tragic numbers around suicide attempts and completions.
Open Heart Advocates is a group of peer counselors, response team advocates, therapists, and a safe house. The work they are doing in Northwest Colorado is vitally important to support victims of domestic and sexual abuse. A bilingual website with a quick safe-exit feature, collateral, and social media bring community awareness to this important resource.
The goal of this campaign was to reduce the stigma surrounding substance use disorder, including the stigma around recovery. Research told us that the best way to overcome stigma was for real people to tell their real stories. If we can relate with others who are similar—maybe because of where they live, what they do for a living, what they care about in life—then we might be able to stop the judgment and help them find recovery options. Together we can!
The COVID-19 pandemic was unlike any other time in recent history. Communities were desperately seeking the facts and reassurance that their local healthcare provider was available to take care of the sick. In the beginning, the reminders about washing your hands, wearing a mask, and social distancing were unique themes. As the pandemic wore on, consumer fatigue settled in and we had to find new ways to share the same messages.
Early Head Start is a federal program, managed at local levels, making early education possible for at-risk families. Beginning at the prenatal stage, Early Head Start programs are widely available to those who apply. Again, communication is vital, and we found creative ways to message and brand the availability of these services.