Jet Marketing


I recently celebrated my first-year anniversary at Jet (yay!). Looking back at the year I’m incredibly grateful for the growth opportunities I’ve been given here: mentorship from a veteran and talented marketer (Jackie, aka, Boss Lady), expanding my specialty from digital marketing to all marketing channels and developing strong partnerships with my clients as a project manager. I also look back at the challenging yet rewarding transitions we’ve been through as a team: the ever-changing trends and “rules” of the industry, saying goodbye to coworkers and welcoming new ones.

But also, I think of coffee! When I started with Jet one year ago, it was my first time back to working in an office after several years. Every so often Jackie would offer to bring me a coffee from her favorite local coffee shop or her husband Tim, who shares an office with Jet, would offer to make me an afternoon iced coffee topped perfectly with foam. These afternoon pick-me-ups brought me so much joy. In addition to the magic happy feeling coffee gives me, this simple gesture demonstrated a warm feeling I’d become familiar with while working here.

Jet Fuel (aka coffee) is….

A great icebreaker.
A boost in morale.

My decision to join Jet was more than a “job transition” for me. It was a devotion to something that I saw as “worth” being away from my two littles part of the day and uprooting life as we knew it at home. When I had my first baby, I realized I couldn’t be away from her too long and took time off from my Digital Marketing Manager position and the peak time in my career growth potential era. Soon after, we had her brother, and I was working overtime as a Momager. I will forever be grateful for the extra time I had with my babies, but as the kids started making new friends and going into the world more on their own, I realized that I wanted to be doing that too. And with a stronger sense of meaning and value in what I do than ever before.

Building an occupation in healthcare marketing has fueled my creativity and at the same time gives me a sense of purpose in helping others gain access to a better quality of life. Integrating with a team that values relationships and making a difference in this world was what I was meant to find. I had a good feeling I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to work with Jet – just like I will never pass up an offer for a coffee.

Jet Fuel (aka inspiration) is…

Being a part of a talented team.
Creating meaningful work that inspires positive change.
Letting your creativity brew!

One year later, we still bond over coffee. Whether it’s the smell of Jimmy brewing coffee at his desk, the continued coffee order offers from Jackie and Tim or Zoom coffee mug cheers with Erin! I’m so grateful for this coffee-loving team, their genuine kindness and fueled creativity in a world that needs more of it.

Lindsey Hanson, Digital Marketing Manager

Lindsey has been a nomad in the digital world since its creation in 1993, joining networks on MySpace to Instagram and present-day (incognito) appearances on TikTok. She began her career in Digital Marketing 7 years ago and has evolved into a marketing ambassador, bridging the gap between the virtual and real world.