Jet Marketing


I believe that journalism is still alive and good journalists will continue to seek out the best sources for their stories. I write this with confidence and not merely due to my past as a journalist.  It’s important for all organizations to be “PRepared” for that reporter’s call, text or email rather than be remembered as the source labeled “not available for comment.”

Whether you have a Public Relations (PR) team, utilize a marketing agency (like Jet Marketing) or it’s a hat of many you wear, let’s explore how proactive preparedness can not only elevate your organization’s reputation but also create a stronger bond with journalists.

Statement Ready or Preparedness Plan

While we can’t predict the time and reason for a reporter’s call or request, organizations can be ready with pre-written messages statements for different situations, including a change in leadership, product launches, building purchases, corporate social responsibilities, financial performance and more. Having these prepared can help ensure that your message is clear, accurate, and aligned with your brand values.

Control the Narrative

Press releases, company memos, and internal emails are crucial tools for shaping the narrative. Reporters will often refer to these materials for quotes and context, so having well-crafted communications can help you maintain control over the information that gets published.

Identify Spokesperson

By identifying a media spokesperson, your organization can respond to media inquiries more effectively, maintaining control over the narrative and minimizing any inaccuracies. The spokesperson duties may include:

  • Delivers prepared statements to the media.
  • Participates in interviews and press conferences.
  • Maintains consistency in messaging.

Establishing Relationship with Local Reporter

Building and maintaining strong relationships with local reporters can be key to your PR success. Identify local reporters who cover your industry or topics and be available for comment and maintain regular communication.

PR Materials to Have Ready

  • General organization background and key facts
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) document
  • Media kit with high-resolution images, bios, and other relevant materials
  • Contact list for media and key stakeholders

Being prepared not only protects your organization’s reputation but also builds a mutually respectful relationship with the media. Embrace these strategies to ensure that your organization is always ready to communicate effectively, no matter the situation.


Jennifer Umland, Communications and Operations Director

Jenn carefully listens and champions your ideas, crafting effective messaging and communication strategies, and all while coming alongside our talented team that will land you to a finished product you are proud of.