August 2, 2023

Should you hire a marketing agency for your business? (A take from the inside.)

Jet Marketing


When I was told that I would be responsible for a blog post for Jet I was nervous. Feelings of anxiety from my days as a student washed over me thinking about it. I asked myself, do I have anything valuable or insightful?

I started to think about what I have learned working in this industry. The past few months of settling in with the Jet Marketing team contrasts what I have come to expect about “marketing agencies” (bear with me on this statement Jackie.) My experience working in marketing agencies has been challenging to my morals at times, To make a long story short, you often do not get what you pay for with big marketing agencies. I thought it could be important to outline what could be considered “pillars” of a great marketing company to look for.


One thing I’ve come to appreciate about working at this small agency is the focus on transparency and honesty. We own our mistakes and our success. It seems that more than ever it can be a challenge to know who you can trust, especially when putting something as important as your marketing in someone else’s hands. However, we truly care about our clients and their success. One of the most rewarding parts of this job is collaborating with the team and the client to create a tailored approach. When you bring your business to Jet, we truly mean it when we say “we’ll get you there.”


Experience is key! Although our team is small – it’s mighty. With decades of experience between us, we have the ability to draw from each other’s experiences, successes, and failures. There is a lot of value in working with a marketing company that has kept partnerships with clients for years. Our approach is centered around quality over quantity, and it shows in the relationships that are built and maintained. We love working with new clients and cherish the ones we’ve known for a long time!


A huge piece of the puzzle when it comes to marketing is the passion behind it. Our team makes a serious effort to connect with each of our partners. Whether it’s taking the time to do our research and understand the market, or making actionable steps to meet a goal, we care a lot. We work to make sure your passion is translated through your marketing. Since we have a more intimate and focused approach to our clients we can create marketing campaigns as if we work in the same office.


This might be one of the toughest pillars to sniff out per se, but it’s one of the most important. Throughout my time here, I can confidently say that the people I work with are some of the most talented people I have ever worked with. Everyone here brings their flair and expertise to all facets of our work, whether it’s partnership management, design, copywriting, or strategy, I have witnessed and been a part of incredibly strong work here.

Throughout my time here at Jet, it has become obvious to me that a culmination of these things is a recipe for a successful approach to marketing. If you are reading this and you are looking for a company to take care of your marketing, you landed in the right place.

Jimmy Sajbel, Digital Production Coordinator

Jimmy is an experienced marketer with experience in web design, social media management, SEO, and graphic design. As Jet’s Digital Production Coordinator, he assists in the production and fulfillment of digital content for our clients.

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