Jet Marketing


Navigating the shift from marketing client to marketing agency

Six months ago, I was asking Jet Marketing, “Can you help?” Today, I’m answering “Yes, we can.”

I eagerly joined the Jet team in July, transitioning from being “the client” to becoming “the agency.”

In the context of marketing, “the client” is the entity that hires and pays for the services of an agency to achieve specific goals; and the “the agency” is hired by clients to offer expertise, creative solutions, and execution in areas such as advertising, marketing, public relations, or consulting.

At Jet Marketing, we work alongside our clients as co-pilots, “ready to fly the distance with comprehensive marketing and branding strategies, or as your crew on shorter flights for specific projects that require logos and graphics, content, videos, web, social or marketing collateral.” More about us here.

As I continue to learn and develop on the other side, here are some additional observations from the flight deck.

Roles & Responsibilities

Client: Initiates the project, provides the vision and key information, including target audiences, budget, objectives, etc.  Often has more than one project going and requires the agency to take the lead. Plays a crucial role in decision-making and approval processes.
Jet Marketing: Asks the questions, develops strategy and creative direction that aligns with the client’s objectives, executes plans, measures performance, and delivers results.

At Jet Marketing we build meaningful relationships with clients all while being accessible and responsive to all needs.

Our team includes experts in various marketing disciplines and dedicated project managers to keep projects moving effectively and efficiently. We stay up to date on industry trends, innovations, and best practices to provide effective strategies.


Client: Focuses on achieving specific business outcomes, including brand awareness, customer/patient satisfaction, lead generation, and increased profit.
Jet Marketing: Hones in on the specific project to meet and exceed the client’s expectation. Dives deeper into effective solutions, tailored to client’s brand and that align with the client’s goals.


Client: Has final approval. Makes key decisions on overall marketing plan, budget, and campaign objectives.
Jet Marketing: Provides the creative and strategic components of the project to the client, seeking feedback and approval. Works collaboratively with client to enhance and improve on aspects of the project.


Client: Seeks tangible results, like increased website traffic, engagement, and conversation rates.
Jet Marketing: Seeks project success, client satisfaction, continued partnership and long-lasting relationships that shape a collaborative journey.

Now that I have been on both sides of the hill, I have the advantage of fostering effective collaboration, encouraging open communication, and defining clear objectives for each side to be successful. Take us on your next trip by calling (970) 218-4797.

Jennifer Umland, Communications and Operations Director

Jenn carefully listens and champions your ideas, crafting effective messaging and communication strategies, and all while coming alongside our talented team that will land you to a finished product you are proud of.