August 3, 2022

Getting on the Map

Categories: Uncategorized

Jet Marketing


The days when we would solely rely on Google Maps and Google Search as navigation tools are coming to an end. Popular social media apps, like Instagram and TikTok, are increasingly being used to discover new locations as well. Organizations have begun expanding their presence (or need to if they aren’t already) on the increasing number of online tools available for users to locate them and are strategizing how they can stand out.

Very recently, Instagram launched a new dynamic maps experience on their app to make it convenient for users to find local businesses – a tool that you used to only find on navigation-specific apps. It is a user-friendly way to discover and get discovered on the popular app. Note: Even with this new feature, accounts should continue tagging their location in posts to help show up in searches.


CHECK IT OUT: This image shows a post that tagged a location and the new map feature that loads after tapping on the location.


Another app that is emerging in location searches is TikTok, not surprisingly given its popularity. This also makes sense though because TikTok presents information in a visually engaging way. TikTok does not have a map feature (yet), but it is still a tool for users to discover new places, businesses, ideas, etc. Accounts can tag locations in their videos, which link to a separate map, but it is not quite as dynamic as Instagram’s map feature. With all this being said, the information on TikTok is still not deemed as reputable by many when compared to Google, a more proven trustworthy source.

EXAMPLE: These are the common types of informational videos you might find on TikTok.


You might be wondering, “Is it worth maintaining a presence on Google Business Profile still”? The answer is YESSo far in 2022, Google Maps and Google Search are still the most popular navigation apps in the U.S. By having an established Google Business Profile, your organization can more effectively collect leads and direct people to where they can find more information about your business.

Having an active account and consistently updating your Google Business Profile AND your social media channels is important because you’re more likely to attract attention when a user is searching for your services around their local area. These new location/navigation updates continue to prove how social platforms are growing more as top search engines and why your online business presence is crucial.

Alexa Marriott, Digital Production Coordinator

Alexa is always eager to take on new challenges and learn all that she can about marketing. With her degree in business and interest in digital and social media marketing, she works to elevate her clients’ online presence.

August 3rd, 2022
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