November 28, 2022

Putting all the pieces together

Categories: Uncategorized

Jet Marketing



One of my favorite things to do over the holidays is to get out an old-fashioned puzzle.  I love the challenge of solving a puzzle and the conversation with friends and family who join in. I also enjoy watching how others tackle the problem at hand.

There is always more than one way.  But if I’m in charge, it’s all about the border first.  I need that structure, see if the table is large enough and then start building from there.  I like to move around the table and change up my perspective. Good lighting is a must.  And if I’m honest, a bowl of peanut M&Ms helps me to think clearer.  (My great aunt called them “smart pills”.)

The puzzle has some good marketing analogies:

If it’s a puzzle, you might consider:

  1. What is the goal at hand and what is the plan of attack? Communication among the puzzlers is key.
  2. When does the puzzle need to be completed? Who needs the table?
  3. Are there limitations, such as the size of the table?
  4. Who around the table has the best skills to complete the puzzle efficiently?
  5. Is there a contingency plan if the goal isn’t met?

If it’s a marketing initiative, you might consider:

  1. What is trying to be accomplished and what does the plan look like? Who will draft and monitor the plan and what are the benchmarks for success?
  2. What are the deadlines and how can they be met?
  3. Are there limitations? Usually, this list includes budget, timelines, and staffing.
  4. Who has the skills that are needed? Are outside resources appropriate, or can the effort be handled internally?
  5. If the goal isn’t met, what is needed? More time, more money, or a different set of skills? Has the goal evolved, and should a new plan be put in place?

Whether it’s a puzzle or other time-honored traditions that you might enjoy over this upcoming holiday season, I hope you savor them.  It sure is fun to gather again.

A FEW MORE TIPS: Don’t be that uncle that hides a piece of the puzzle in his pocket so he can place the last piece.  And make sure to leave a few M&Ms for me.

Jackie O’Hara, Boss Lady

Jackie loves getting to know a company personally during the process of crafting or updating its brand. Always looking for unique ideas, she finds the most simple and honest ideas are often the most effective.

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